The River Hills Community Dog Park Experience

One of the greatest things about living in River Hills are the amenities.  We have pools, a golf course, garden plots, play ground areas, and even a revolutionary war era cemetery.  One thing, that is often overlooked, is that we are also very dog friendly.  By my estimate, there are close to 300 families that have a four legged family member. As you walk along the neighborhood paths, you will see waste stations for our pets’ deposits.  An important part of being a responsible pet owner is picking up after your pet.  

In addition to the neighborhood paths and waste disposal stations, we have an area that we refer to as the dog park which is located near the back gate and is open to River Hills residents during daylight hours.  A group of large dog owners, with dogs 40 lbs. and up, meet every day at 4:00 for "Yappy Hour."  There are some little guys with big hearts that as well.  We use this area with the permission of the River Hills Country Club. There are picnic tables, chairs, and a waste station located on site.  We are working on having a fenced-in area for our furry friends as well as a dog tag program identifying our pets.  So, if you are interested in moving to River Hills bring your dogs, they'll love it.


-Fred F.