Raising Children in the River Hills Community


River Hills places families in one of the best school districts in the state of SC!   

Both of my children went through all 13 years the Clover school district offers and were fortunate to attend 2 new schools in the process.  Clover school district is always been on the cutting edge of technology for its facilities and keeping up with, and ahead of, the areas massive growth.  The district has always tried to stay below the 20 pupil to 1 teacher ratio.  The schools River Hills neighborhood kids attend are:  Crowders Creek Elementary (built in 2000), Oakridge Middle school (built in 2009), and Clover High School.  The high school has a new applied technology center which was built within the last 5 years and is considered to be state of the art.  Both of my children were accepted into college as a result of great education offered by living in Clover school district.   

There are so many wonderful things about living in River Hills and the education system is the cherry on top!!  It also helps the home values in our area stay consistent with high test scores and results.

-Melanie W